O nas

PROFIL ZAWODOWY: dr Hideaki (Tim) Tanaka jest licencjonowanym akupunkturzystą i praktykiem medycyny Kampo w Japonii. Urodził się i wychował w Fukuoka, w Japonii, gdzie przeszedł szkolenie z zakresu akupunktury i tradycyjnych wschodnioazjatyckich terapii medycznych w Tokio. Doktorat ukończył w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Jego doświadczenie zawodowe obejmuje również staże w renomowanych instytucjach, takich jak Centrum Współpracy Medycyny Sportowej WHO przy Tokyo Medical College, Wydział Lekarski Uniwersytetu w Toronto oraz Oddział Chorób Wewnętrznych Szanghajskiego Uniwersytetu Tradycyjnej Medycyny Chińskiej.

W 1996 roku dr Tanaka został uhonorowany nagrodą od Światowej Federacji Towarzystwa Akupunktury i Moxibustion za doskonałe badania naukowe, co stanowi potwierdzenie jego wkładu w tę dziedzinę. Wygłaszał wykłady w wielu krajach, w tym w Stanach Zjednoczonych, Kanadzie, Holandii, na Węgrzech, w Chinach oraz w swoim rodzinnym kraju, Japonii. Równocześnie pełnił funkcję Visiting Research Fellow of Acupuncture na Tsukuba University of Technology. Przez 30 lat kierował The Pacific Wellness Institute, jednym z wiodących ośrodków medycyny komplementarnej i alternatywnej w Ameryce Północnej.

Dr Tanaka jest współautorem podręczników szkolnych z zakresu japońskiej akupunktury i tradycyjnego masażu, a także wielu artykułów naukowych opublikowanych w czasopismach medycznych. Jego pionierskie badania są często cytowane w artykułach naukowych, podręcznikach klinicznych i raportach agencji publicznych, szczególnie w oświadczeniu konsensusu amerykańskiego Narodowego Instytutu Zdrowia (NIH) w sprawie akupunktury. Dr Tanaka był członkiem komitetów redakcyjnych i recenzentem dla różnych czasopism medycznych. W 2018 roku jego ekspertyza została doceniona nagrodą Outstanding Reviewer Award, przyznawaną przez międzynarodowe czasopismo Medicines.

Ceremonia wręczenia nagrody, 4th World Conference on Acupuncture, New York, 1996

Przez 30 lat swojej kariery z powodzeniem stosował swój unikalny program akupunktury i terapii naturalnej w leczeniu szerokiego zakresu schorzeń. Przeprowadził ponad 100 000 zabiegów akupunktury, obsługując zróżnicowaną klientelę, w tym wiele znanych osobistości.


  • Ph.D. in Medical Science (USA)
  • Licenced Acupuncturist (Japan)
  • Licensed Moxibustion Practitioner (Japan)
  • Licensed Shiatsu, Anma, Massage Therapist (Japan)
  • Biofeedback Board Certified (BCIA Senior Fellow)
  • Registered Massage Therapist (RMT)
  • Registered Nutritional Consultant (RNCP)
  • Registered Orthomolecular Health Practitioner (ROHP)
  • Advanced Herbology/Chinese Medical Gynecology, BP Institute, USA


  • Acupuncture-Moxibustion Department, Tsukuba College of Technology, Japan
  • WHO Collaboration Center for Health Promotion through Research and Training in Sports Medicine, Tokyo Medical College, Japan
  • Behaivoral Cardiology Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
  • TCM Internal Medicine (Advanced Clinical), Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China

Zainteresowania badawcze/kliniczne

  • Electrophysiology/Applied Physiology (Heart Rate Variability, Surface EMG, Autonomic Reflex)
  • Investigation of Physiological Effects of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine Interventions
  • Treatment of Migraines, Sports Injuries, Functional/Biological Rhythm Disorders (IBS, Sleep Disorders, Menstrual Conditions, etc.)
  • Fertility Optimization using Acupuncture and Traditional East Asian Medicine

Działalność akademicka/zawodowa

  • Ph.D. Committee Member, Graduate School of The Union Institute and University, Cincinnati, Ohio
  • Visiting Research Fellow, School of Health Sciences, Tsukuba University of Technology, Japan

Redaktor naczelny

  • Mathews Journal of Nutrition & Dietetics

Członek redakcji

  • International Journal of Clinical Research and Trials
  • EC Gynaecology

Panel recenzentów międzynarodowych

  • Medical Science Monitor: International Medical Journal for Experimental and Clinical Research

Pełnił funkcję eksperta recenzenta dla:

  • Applied Sciences
  • BAOJ Cardiology
  • BAOJ Medical and Nursing
  • Biomedicines
  • BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine
  • BMJ Acupuncture in Medicine
  • British Journal of Sports Medicine
  • Complementary Therapies in Medicine
  • Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal
  • European Journal of Integrative Medicine
  • European Journal of Sport Science
  • Evidence Based Complimentary and Alternative Medicine
  • Healthcare
  • Human Biology & Health Education
  • International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
  • International Journal of Molecular Sciences
  • International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork
  • International Medical Case Reports Journal
  • Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies
  • Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine
  • Journal of Clinical Medicine
  • Journal of Integrative Medicine
  • Journal of Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy
  • Medical Science Monitor
  • Medicina
  • Medicines
  • Nature – Scientific Reports
  • Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface
  • OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine
  • Patient Preference and Adherence
  • Sports
  • Women’s Health Reports


  • The sensory reflex session, The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Chiba, Japan, June 2004
  • Autonomic nervous system session, The 57th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Kyoto, Japan, May 2008


  • Excellent Research Award from the World Federation of Acupuncture Societies, 1996
  • CMTO Research Grant 2000 for Massage and Muscle Fatigue / Muscle Blood Flow Study (Principal Investigator)
  • 2018 Outstanding Reviewer Awards from International Peer-reviewed medical journal, Medicines

Stowarzyszenia zawodowe

  • Executive Council Member: Professional College of Acupuncture and TCM, Ontario (1999-2002)
  • Board Member: Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Association of Canada (1996-2011)
  • Program Director: Post Graduate Acupuncture Course: The Pacific Wellness Institute – Acupuncturists Upgrade Training Center designated by CMACC (1996-2004)
  • Senior Fellow: Biofeedback Certification International Alliance
  • Member: Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion
  • Member: Nutritional Consultants Organization of Canada
  • Member: Japan Society for Oriental Medicine
  • Member: Association of East Asian Medicine

Publikacje recenzowane

Kuge, H., Mori, H., Wada, T., Watanabe, M., Tanaka, TH. et al. The Effects of Anma (Traditional Japanese Massage)—Randomised Trial. Health Vol.14 No.7,July 18, 2022

Kuge, H., Mori, H., Tanaka, TH. et al. Reliability and Validity of Facial Check Sheet (FCS): Checklist for Self-Satisfaction with Cosmetic Acupuncture. Medicines . 8(4), 18, 2021

Kubota, T., Mori, H., Morisawa, T., Hanyu, K., Watanabe, M., Tanaka, TH. Influence of electroacupuncture stimulation on skin temperature, skin blood flow, muscle blood volume and pupil diameter.Acupuncture in Medicine. doi 10. 1136, 2019

Kuge, H., Mori, H. Morisawa, T, Hanyu, K., Miyazaki, J, Watanabe, M, Tanaka, TH. Effect of Different Dosages of ST36 Indirect Moxibustion on the Skin Temperature of the Lower Legs and Feet. Medicines, 15(52) pii:57, 2018 

Mori, H. Kuge, H., Sakaguchi, S., Tanaka, TH et al. Determination of symptoms associated with hiesho among young females using hie rating surveys.Journal of Integrative Medicine. 16(1), 2018 

Tanaka, T.H. Dietary tradition, nutritional theories and science. Mathews Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2(1):011, 2017

Kubota, T., Mori, H., Mrisawa, T., Hanyu, K., Kuge, H., Watanabe, M., Tanaka, TH. Evaluating Training Programs for Electroacupuncture Techniques with Skin Temperature as a New Index. Health Vol.9 No.11, 2017

Mori, H., Kuge, H., Watanabe, M., Tanaka, T. H.  Does electroacupuncture influence skin temperature, skin blood flow, and muscle blood volume among stimulation sites? Medical Acupuncture. 28 (6):325-330, 2016 

Miyazaki, J., Kuge, H. , Mori, H., Izumi, E., Tanaka, T. H. et al.  A moxa stimulation on the leg affected the function of stomach via autonomic nerve system and polymodal receptors. Health. 8 (8):749-755, 2016 

Sakaguchi, S., Kuge, H., Mori, H., Miyazaki, J., Tanaka, T.H. et al. Extraction of items identifying hiesho (cold disorder) and their utility in young males and females. Journal of Integrative Medicine. 14(1): 36-43, 2016 

Tanaka, T.H. Tongue diagnosis: relationship between sublingual tongue morphology in three tongue protrusion angles and menstrual clinical symptoms. Journal of Integrative Medicine. 13(4):248-56, 2015 

Mori, H. Kege, H., Watanabe, M., Tanaka, T.H. Near-infrared spectroscopy and hydrogen clearance: is there any difference between these two methods of muscle blood volume estimation? Acupuncture in Medicine 32:167-171, 2014 

Mori, H., Kuge, H., Tanaka, T. H. et al. Influence of different durations of electroacupuncture stimulation on skin blood flow and muscle blood volume. Acupuncture in Medicine 32:167-171, 2014 

Kuge, H., Mori, H., Tanaka, T. H. et al. Difference between the effects of one-site and three-site abdominal hot-stone stimulation on the skin-temperature changes of the lower limbs. Journal of Integrative Medicine 11(5) 314-319, 2013 

Mori, H., Kuge, H., Tanaka, T. H. et al. Effects of acupuncture treatment on natural killer cell activity, pulse rate, and pain reduction for older adults: an uncontrolled, observational study. Journal of Integrative Medicine: 2013, 11 (2), 101-105 

Mori, H., Kuge, H., Tanaka, T. H. et al.  Is there any difference in human pupillary reaction to acupuncture between light- and dark-adaptive conditions? Acupuncture in Medicine 30:109-112, 2012 

Mori, H., Tanaka, T. H., Kuge, H., Sasaki, K. Is there a difference between the effects of one-point and three-point indirect moxibustion stimulation on skin temperature changes of the posterior trunk surface? Acupuncture in Medicine, 30:27-31, 2012 

Mori, H., Tanaka T.H., Kuge, H., et al. Is there a difference between the effects of single and triple indirect moxibustion stimulations on skin temperature changes of the posterior trunk surface? Acupuncture in Medicine, 29:116-121, 2011 

Mori, H., Tanaka, TH., Kuge, H.,et al. Is there any difference in human pupillary reaction when different acupuncture points are stimulated? Acupuncture in Medicine, 28:21-24, 2010 

Nolan, R.P., Jong, P., Barry-Bianchi, S.M., Tanaka, T.H., et al. Effects of Drug, Biobehavioral and Exercise Therapies on Heart Rate Variability in Coronary Artery Disease: A Systematic Review. European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, 15, 386-396, 2008. 

Mori, H.; Ueda, S.; Kuge, H.; Taniwaki, E.; Tanaka, T. H. et al. Pupillary Response Induced by Acupuncture Stimulation–An Experimental Study. Acupuncture in Medicine26, 79-86, 2008. 

Mori, H., Ohsawa, H., Tanaka, TH., Taniwaki, E., Leisman, G., Nishijo, K.  Effect of Massage on Blood Flow and Muscle Fatigue following Isometric Lumbar Exercise.  Medical Science Monitor, 10(5): CR173-8, 2004 

Tanaka, T.H., Leisman, G., Mori, H., Nishijo, K.  The Effect of Massage on Localized Lumbar Muscle Fatigue.  BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2:9, 2002 

Tanaka, T.H., Nishijo, K.  Influence of Acupuncture Stimulation on Dynamic Electromyographic Activity.  Journal of The Japan Society of Acupuncture, Vol. 48, No. 2, 105-119, 1998 

Tanaka, T.H., Leisman, G., Nishijo, K.  Dynamic Electromyographic Study on Acupuncture:  Possible Influence in Synergistic Coordination.  International Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 95, 51-61, 1998 

Tanaka, T.H., Leisman, G., Nishijo, K.  The Physiological Responses Induced by Superficial Acupuncture: A Comparative Study on Acupuncture Stimulation During Exhalation Phase and Continuous Stimulation.  International Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 90, No. 1-2, 45-58, 1997 (Listed in the National Institute of Health, Consensus Statement on Acupuncture, September, 1997) 

Rozprawa doktorska

Tanaka, T.H.  The Somatic Reaction Induced by Acupuncture Stimulation: Autonomic Nervous System Response and Electromyographic Activity. Dissertation Abstracts International, Vol. 57, No. 6, 1996

Inne publikacje (nie recenzowane)

Ozaki, A., Wakayama, I., Tanaka, T., Suzuki, T., Shinbara, H. Effects of Acupuncture and Moxibustion on Muscle diseases and Muscular Functions / Metabolism and the Status of These Techniques. Journal of The Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion. Vol. 54, No. 5, 698-716, 2004 

Tanaka, T.H.  Acupuncture Status in Canada: Summary of Educational, Social and Legislative Issues in Ontario.  Journal of The Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Vol. 51, No. 5, 623-627, 2001

Tanaka, T.H.  The Possibilities for Optimizing Acupuncture Treatment Results through Synchronization with Somatic State: Examination of Autonomic Response to Superficial Needling During Exhalation.  American Journal of Acupuncture, Vol. 24, No. 4, 233-239, 1996

Tanaka, T.H.  Neuromuscular Response Induced by Superficial Acupuncture Stimulation.  The Journal of Japanese Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Vol. 55, No 12, 27-34, 1996

Główne prezentacje

Tanaka T.H.:  Within Subject Variability in Tongue Sublingual Vein Morphology and Color Characteristics62th Annual Meeting Of the Japan Society for Oriental Medicine, Sapporo, Japan, June 2011 

Tanaka T.H.: Tongue Examination of Sublingual Veins: Intrasubject Variability in Four Diagnostic Parameters. ICMART 2011 World Congress on Medical Acupuncture,The Hague, Netherlands, May 2011 

Tanaka, TH. Standardization of Sublingual Tongue Diagnosis, 7th World Congress on Chinese medicine, The Hague, Netherlands, Oct 2010

Tanaka, T.HEnhancement of Acupuncture Effects with Auditory Assisted Slow Breathing, WHO Congress on Traditional Medicine, Beijing, China, 2008 

Tanaka, T.HPotentiating the Autonomic Effects of Acupuncture by Proactive Use of Respiration, ICMART XIII World Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 2008

Tanaka, T.H Integration of Acupuncture and HRV Biofeedback, 57th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Kyoto, Japan, May 2008. 

Tanaka, T.HFertility Difficulties Treated By Acupuncture: Analysis of 76 Pregnancy Cases.  The 20th Year Anniversary WFAS International Acupuncture Congress, (co-sponsored by the World Health Organization), Beijing, China, Oct 2007.

Tanaka, T.H. Influence of acupuncture on muscle coordination revealed by dynamic electromyographic evaluation. Paper presented at the symposium: Status of Acupuncture and Moxibustion at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Chiba, Japan, June 2004. [Paper]

Tanaka, T.H. The Creation and Efficacy of a HRV-Autonomic Trainer CD in Assisting Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Training: Preliminary Report. Paper presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Jacksonville, Florida March 27-30, 2003. 

Tanaka, T.H., Mori, H., Leisman, G., Nishijo, K.  Influence of Local Massage Application on Fatigue Scale and EMG Power Spectrum During Sustained Muscle Contraction.  Paper presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Jacksonville, Florida March 27-30, 2003. 

Tanaka, T.H., Mori, H., Leisman, G., Nishijo, K.  Effect of Massage on Muscle Fatigue and Recovery. Paper presented at the International Symposium on the Science of Touch, Montreal Canada, May 16-18, 2002. 

Tanaka, T.H., Nishijo, K. Electrophysiological Study of Acupuncture Stimulation Synchronized with Patient’s Respiratory Rhythm. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting of Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Raleigh-Durham, NC, March 29-April 1, 2001.

Tanaka, T.H.  Physiological Effects of Superficial Acupuncture: The Technique Focusing on Patient’s Respiratory Rhythm: Paper presented at the 7th Symposium of the Society for Acupuncture Research, University of Maryland, School of Medicine, Baltimore, October 21-22, 2000. 

Tanaka, T.H.  Superficial Acupuncture Needling Technique Utilizing Patient’s Biological Rhythm:  Summary of Study Findings Using Various Physiological Indexes,  Paper presented at the 4th World Congress of Medical Acupuncture and Natural Medicine, Edmonton, AB, August 25-27, 2000.

Tanaka, T.H.  The Role of Acupuncture in Enhancing Synergistic Coordination: A Study Using Dynamic EMG Assessment, Invited presentation at the 5th Symposium of the Society for Acupuncture Research, Stanford University, CA., September 26-27, 1998.

Tanaka, T.H., Nishijo, K.  The Effect of Acupuncture on Correcting Muscle Asymmetry:  Dynamic Electromyographic Study.  Paper presented at the XIIth Congress of the International Society for Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, Montreal, QE., June 27-30, 1998.

Tanaka, T.H.  The Influence of Acupuncture on Synergistic Coordination.  Paper presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Orlando, FL., April 1-5, 1998.

Tanaka, T.H., Nishijo, K.  Comparative Study on Acupuncture Stimulation During A Patient’s Exhalation Phase Only and Continuous Stimulation.  Excellent Paper Award presentation at the 4th World Conference on Acupuncture, New York, 1996. 


Anma, Massage, Shiatsu no Kouka(Efficacy of Anma, Massage, Shiatsu: Comprehensive Review of Touch Therapy Research, An Illustrated Basic Protocol of Anma, Massage, and Shiatsu), Ishiyaku Publishers, Tokyo, Japan, March 2006 (In Japanese, Coauthored)

Shinkyu Kisojissyuu Noto (Fundamental Workbook of Clinical Acupuncture and Moxibustion) Ishiyaku Publishers, Tokyo, Japan, January 2009 (In Japanese, Coauthored)

Płyty CD z ćwiczeniami oddechowymi

Calming Massage, Somerset Entertainment, 2007
(Participated in production as Scientific Advisor)

Breathing for Relaxation, Somerset Entertainment, 2009
(Participated in production as Scientific Advisor)


Embrace Your Fertility – Empowering You with Tools to Help You Succeed. Balboa Press, Bloomington, IN, 2016 (Coauthored)

Definitive Guide to Weight Loss – 17 Smart Ways to Permanently Shed Unwanted Pounds.  Future Medicine Publications, Tiburon, California, 2000